What My Daily Jewelry Means to Me

Every day, I wear a few different pieces of jewelry (if you could call them jewelry, for there are no jewels involved 😏). Each piece means something to me, so I though I’d share a little about them!

I wear a stainless steel sideways cross necklace, and I can’t remember the last time I took it off! One meaning of the sideways cross is that we need to take up our own crosses daily. That’s what this necklace reminds me of.

I’ve also got a stainless steel ring that used to have the word purity on the outside, but that has since been rubbed away ☺. The ring still has the word forgiven on the inside, though! This ring reminds me to only let pure things into my mind. Here, you can read the full story of this ring. 

Another piece I wear daily is a ring inscribed with this quote from Shakespeare: “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” My parents gave it to me as a dance performance gift last year. Though I am but little, I can accomplish great things through God! The lettering of this one rubbed off too, but you can still see the indentations. 

The last piece I wear daily is a Timex Ironman Triathlon watch. I wear it for less sentimental, more utilitarian reasons… I like to know the time (dur), I use it to set timers to steep tea, and I use the stopwatch feature to time the hours I help my parents with extra jobs (aren’t they so generous to pay me?). The watch has other features, but those are the ones I use all the time. Bonus – it is waterproof, so I really rarely take it off.

Do you wear any jewelry daily? What does it mean to you?

29 thoughts on “What My Daily Jewelry Means to Me

  1. Great post!! I’ve worn a gold bracelet for years that was given to me by my great-grandmother at my birth and has my middle name (which is a family name) engraved on it. It’s very special to me!! 🙂


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  2. I wear different jewelry. The only same piece I wear everyday is my wedding ring. It of course reminds me of hubby 🙂 I use to wear daily a ring my grandmother gave me. It was the “promise” ring my granddad gave her until he could afford an engagement ring 🙂 She never took it off, and wore it until she left this life. I wore it for decades but then one cold, cold night it fell off my finger. I was home so it wasn’t lost, thank God. Then on another cold night out to dinner with a friend, it feel off when I got up to get the waiter for us. My friend saw it fall off and got it. After that I debated on sizing it down but I didn’t want to alter it from how it was when it was taken off her finger.

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  3. That is so sweet that you have jewelry that is meaningful to you! I normally wear my ring with a little heart on it which is my purity ring, I also wear my two pure vida bracelets, a couple of hair ties , and a scrunchie. I almost always wear my necklace that says joy on it. My Mom gave it to me and it reminds me to have joy in every season!
    Great post, friend!
    -kaelyn 😛

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  4. I love all your jewelry, and all your reasons for wearing each piece. I was thinking about my own jewelry, and you know that although I take my wedding rings off to work out, I do cherish them the most; next is my silver cross necklace, complete with your little brother’s teeth marks; and I love my Scottish thistle ring. Its heavy weight and reminder of my ancestry is a comfort. I also love the watch that Grampa gave me so long ago, and I can’t imagine ever wanting or wearing another.

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  5. That’s so cool! I love the meaning behind your jewelry!
    For a while, I wore a locket from my great-grandma that had encouraging bible verses, quotes and reminders inside. It was always encouraging to look down and remember!

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